May 2023 enters with another eclipse, this time a Penumbral Lunar Eclipse. Later we will have a major meteor shower and a double conjunction. A great time to spend time outside in the warm spring nights.
Tag: eclipse
April 2023 Moon Phases & More
April 2023 has a special treat for us – a rare solar eclipse called a Hybrid Eclipse is set to take place on April 20th. Later this month is also a great time to spot the dwarf planet Huamea and the asteroid Iris. Click here to learn more about the Hybrid, or Triple, Solar Eclipse!
Moon Phases, Lunar Eclipse, and more for November 2022
November 2022 gifts us with a Total Lunar Eclipse on November 8th followed by the Leonids Meteor Shower on the 17th. Shortly after the Lunar Eclipse, Uranus is at Opposition to the Sun. If the bright Moon does not cloud your view, that night will be a great time to see Uranus with a telescope. Keep reading to find out more about this month’s meteor showers and lunar conjunctions!
May 2022 Moon Phases, Meteor Showers, Eclipses, and More!
Happy May Day 2022! May is an exciting month in the skies – and a great time to get outdoors in the warm weather! On May 16th a Total Lunar Eclipse will be visible in the Americas, Eastern Europe, and most of Africa. The η-Aquariid Meteor Shower peaks on May 6th, showcasing debris from Halley’s Comet. Mars and Jupiter are both in Geocentric Conjunction with the Moon on May 24th. Click here for a Lunar Eclipse timeline, map, and more!
November 2021 Moon Phases, Meteor Showers, and Eclipse
November 2021 has five meteor showers, a partial lunar eclipse, and a great astrophotography opportunity for those with telescopes!The 2021 winter Eclipse Season starts shortly, and Venus will Occult the Moon this month as well. Although there are not many astronomical events this month, the ones that occur are exciting.